Blackheads and whiteheads are two common type of acne. As  thename suggests, blackheads look like a black dot which is not covered by skin and whiteheads look like a white dot covered by skin. The charecteristic colour of black head is due to the oxidised layer of  pus sitting on top and since whiteheads are covered by skin, it is not oxidised and hence appear whitish. 

There is not much difference in both of its cause. Both blackheads and whiteheads are caused due to clogging of pores which may be due to several factors, one especially being the sun. As you all know it is mostly seen in oily skin, this is because, oily skin is more prone to pore clogging, so guys, your  first aim must be on eliminating the cause, that is keeping your pores clean. If not taken proper care, it may lead to open or enlarged pores.



This will be one of the best home remedies you have tried, because for more than 90% of the people blackheads and whiteheads are caused due to dirt, due to improper hygine activities. Charcoal, here the hero of our pack is going to do wonders on your skin by removing maximum dirt as said by many dermatologists. You can mix it with some ingredient like curd, rose water, almond oil to give maximum result or it isalso going to go well with plain water as well. So you can definitely give it a try. The steps to prepare this face pack are,

  • Take a tea spoon of fine charcoal powder
  • Mix it again with a tea spoon of curd or rose water, apply it all over your face or especially in your T zone where you get lots of black and whiteheads. Wait untill dry and  wash it off with luke warm water.

PRO TIP: You can also a table spoon of aloevera gel for excess smoothness.


Rakta Chandana or red sandalwood is one of the finest ingredients for your skin. It is  also antibacterial  and is said to be anti-inflamatory. It is very effective in removing your blackheads and whiteheads. It also helps in reducing blemishes and active acnes as it has alot of cooling properties. It is well  known as a remedy for clogged pores especially due to sun damage. The steps to prepare this face pack are,

  • Take a tea spoon of red sandalwood powder
  • Mix it with a table spoon of aloe vera gel, apply it on your black and whiteheads, let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes and wash it off with lukwwarm water.
PRO TIP: You can also use any fruit juice of your choice instead of aloevera gel.


Tea tree oil is well know for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It also helps greatly in reducing inflammation on your face. It is also a antiseptic i.e. germ killer so apart from blackheads and whiteheads, you can also use it for acnes caused due to fungus. 

Tea tree oil generally works great on oily skin and doesn't clog up your pores. If you are a kind of person who isn't comfortable with strong  fragrance, I would not suggest you to try this out. Generally, only two to three drops of tea tree oil is advised to be used on skin. Just take two drops of this oil and rub it between your palms until warm and pat it all over your face, do not rub excessively. 


Steam opens up your pores and helps loosen the builup of dirt for a deeper cleanse. It softens you blackheads and whiteheads, making them easy to remove. 

steam twice a week using plain water and cleanse your face with the face wash you use.

PRO TIP: Dip a towel in hot water and cover your face with it, it does not cause open pores later and does not harm your skin even when used regularly. Also after steaming tapping you face with ice cubes for 5 to 10 minutes helps in reducing the appearance of open pores later.


Any sort of mild exfoliation can be done since blackheads and whiteheads are a result of closed pores.

1. SUGAR SCRUB:                                                                                                    
(skin type: dry to combination skin)                                                                

Mix 2 tablespoon of white sugar with 1 tbsp of aloe vera gel or honey and scrub all over your face or on places where you have your acne.

2. OATMEAL SCRUB:                                                
(skin type: all skin types)  

Grind 2 tbsp of plain oatmeal and add 1 tbsp of curd. Gently exfoliate you skin using oatmeal scrub. 

3. RICE SCRUB:                                    
(skin type: combination to oily skin)  

Take 2 tbsp of dry rice flour and mix it with 1 tbsp of rose water and scrub your face.                


Rice works like magic and can give you smooth skin. Especially, for oily skin people, rice has drying effect which removes all the excess oil from your skin and also soothes your skin.

  •  Take 1 tbsp of dry rice flour
  •  Mix it with 2 tbsp of curd (plain yoghurt) or plain milk
  •  Apply all over you face for 10 to 15 minutes and rinse it off with cold water

PRO TIP: You can also use rice pack or rice water on your hair as a pack to get rid of dandruff



Salicylic acid products are the key products in treating clogged pores, since they primarily concentratre on deep cleaning. It is a chemical exfoliant which helps in reducing acne and redness. It also helps in softening dry, scaly skin like in your elblows and armpits. It is generally advised to start from very mild concentrations (0.5 - 1%). And doing a patch test is mandatory before applying it on your skin.

2. AHAs & BHAs:

AHAs and BHAs are also chemical exfoliants like salicylic acid. AHAs  are water soluble and made from fruits, they are used to treat clogged or enlarged pores,  finelines, wrinkles and surface level conditions as they cannot penetrate deep into skin layers. 

On the other hand BHAs are oil based and can travel to deeper layers of your skin and is used to treat conditions like acne, sun damage, hyperpigmentation and many more. So BHAs, here can help with your darkheads and whiteheads if your pores are builed up for months, they generally travel deep into your hair follicles and dry out those excess oil. AHAs and BHAs are also advised to start with mild concentrations.


Benzoyl peroxides are especially suggested by many dermatologists. It generally kills all those bacteria which causes your acne. Many a  times, when your whiteheads and blackheads becomes the house of acne causing bacteria, it gets inflamed and turns into a painfull pusfilled acne. 

But one backdrop with this topical is that, it causes excess drying and skin peeling even when used at mild concentration. So, it is a prescription medicine and you are advised to follow the same. For me personally, I dont like benzoyl peroxide as I felt like it caused me some pigmentation.


Trust me guys, sunscreens are your skins best friend. You will not even get a situation to meet a dematologist, if you regularly use sunscreens atleast for a year. For better results, you should use sunscreens with atleast a spf of 30 when you are indoors. 

They not only helps in reducing your clogged pores, but also in pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and helps in overall improvement of your skin. You can also see your skin barrier getting stronger as you regularly use it.



Hey there, this is DHANUSHREE, this blog primarily focuses on skin care, fitness and lifestyle. I am an individual blogger as well as a student. I love skin care and i m doing this as my hobby. I researched a lot on skin and hair care since my 7th grade because of the disguisting pimples i had and some how managed to find a lot of remedies, both natural and online beauty products, for pimples, uneven skin, blackheads, whiteheads, open pores, dandruff, hairfall and lot more. I really felt that I want to help other girls and boys struggling with the same, so started a blog as this would be the best place to reach out a lot of people. I m also a affiliate, meaning I would get a affiliate commission from every products you buy from my sugessions from this blog and I have suggested many products which I have personally used and yielded me good results. All opinions and evaluations in this blog are based on my own experiences. As a last note I would love to hear from you guys if my content helped you to solve your problems on redcarpetglow1@gmail.com . Dont forget to follow me for many more updates on this niche.

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